![Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Oliver Asks [Spoiler] On A Date](http://www.greenarrowtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/AR219a_0165b.jpg-17bfd467-t3-640x300.jpg)
![Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Oliver Asks [Spoiler] On A Date](http://www.greenarrowtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/AR219a_0165b.jpg-17bfd467-t3-750x350.jpg)
![Arrow Season 3 Spoilers: Oliver Asks [Spoiler] On A Date](http://www.greenarrowtv.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/AR219a_0165b.jpg-17bfd467-t3-640x300.jpg)
The CW has posted a new synopsis for Arrow Season 3, and they reveal some big spoilers about the season premiere – especially if “Olicity” is your thing.
There was some concern but it is true – this description is legit.
Here’s the write-up:
In the aftermath of this victory, Season Three opens with Arrow now a hero to the citizens of Starling. Crime is down, people feel safer, and Captain Lance even calls off the Anti-Vigilante Task Force. Basking in his success, Oliver believes he can finally have a private life and asks Felicity out on a date. But the second Oliver takes his eye off the ball, a deadly villain reappears in Starling, forcing Oliver to realize that he can never be Oliver Queen – not as long as the city needs The Arrow.
We will be updating the Arrow Spoilers Page with this and much more momentarily.