Arrow Scoop: Stephen Amell Talks Deadshot & China White
InterviewsNewsSpoilers July 29, 2012 Craig Byrne

Earlier today, GreenArrowTV’s Craig Byrne headed to Beverly Hills, to be one of several people to speak with Arrow lead actors Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidy during the TCA Press Tour.
GreenArrowTV’s interviews will be shared here in the coming days, so if you’re not following @GreenArrowTV on Twitter already, do so for updates, but for now, we wanted to share a brief tease, as we got some insights from Stephen about the upcoming appearances of DC characters Deadshot and China White on the show.
The Deadshot news came last night and Amell seemed a bit hesitant at first to say much before confirming that yes, Deadshot will be on in the series’ third episode, “Lone Gunmen.” How will things go down between Oliver and Deadshot? “Unfavorably, for Deadshot, I would suspect. I can tell you that they are going to be after some of the same people. Oliver does have a code. Obviously, it doesn’t include ‘no killing,’ as we’ve established so far, but there is a code. I don’t think Deadshot has it. I don’t think he respects his methods, which puts him in Oliver’s sights,” Stephen says.
Before we see Deadshot, we’ll be seeing China White from the Green Arrow Year One comics in the second episode, which just wrapped filming. She will be played by Kelly Hu.
“It was awesome, man,” Stephen enthuses about the chance to work with Kelly Hu in Episode 2. “I had seen her in X2, and I had seen her in Vampire Diaries, and she came up, we did some cool fight training… she’s enthusiastic. I get to speak to her in Mandarin, which was fun. She’s great. It’s cool, because we took the Arrow costume and tried to make it as functional and as real as possible, so it was cool to see the next iteration of a villain. Her character’s costume… the idea that these would be real people, so seeing her in costume looks great. She’s awesome.”
Arrow premieres October 10 on The CW. Come by the KSiteTV Arrow forum and be sure to come back soon for more from Stephen and Katie!