Arrow: Nearly 200 Screen Captures From The Season 4 Trailer
ImagesNewsSpoilers September 4, 2015 Craig Byrne

So, the Arrow Season 4 trailer is a thing and it was awesome. And now, for those of you who would like to see still frames, we have nearly 200 screen captures for you from the promo, so you can get better looks at such things as – spoiler warning! – Damien Dahrk, John Constantine, Sara’s resurrection, Speedy, the Green Arrow costume, Diggle’s new look, Mr. Teriffic’s magic flying balls, and much more. Even Amanda Waller shows up! Guest stars like JR Bourne, Echo Kellum and Jeri Ryan also show up in the promo. We see the Kord Industries logos are showing up again – but still no Ted Kord.
Our apologies in advance if it’s a pain in the neck to go through them all – but hopefully it’s worth it.
Arrow Season 4 premieres October 7, 2015 on The CW, and if the season is half as good as the trailer apepars to be, it’s going to be a good one.