Arrow “Legacies” Tonight: 8PM (ET) In The US, 7PM In Canada
News November 14, 2012 Craig Byrne

A new episode of Arrow airs tonight, and as with last week, there are slight differences in the scheduling.
If you’re in the United States, Arrow is on at its usual time of 8PM (ET)/7PM Central on The CW. If you’re in Canada, CTV has moved the show to 7PM. Check your local schedule to be sure that you’re not missing it, of course… I’m personally not sure what CTV does as far as time-shifting for time zones goes.
“Legacies” is another fantastic episode and is not to be missed. You can read our not so spoilery advance review here. We’ve got the Countdown thread already open on our Arrow “Legacies” forum… hopefully you’ll join us for that and for the LIVE discussion during the show. After the show, too, you can come talk about “Legacies” with other fans.
Here are some other extras from the episode that you may enjoy, and below that, some preview pics! Hope you like it!