Arrow “Irreconcilable Differences” Preview Trailer
NewsSpoilersVideo November 30, 2017 Craig Byrne

There isn’t a new Arrow tonight (November 30) since we already got an episode this week, but on December 7, we’ll have a new episode which is called “Irreconcilable Differences.”
The CW hasn’t released any photos yet, but from the trailer we see there’s a betrayal from a member of Team Arrow… and a party to celebrate Oliver and Felicity overshadowing Barry and Iris at their own wedding getting married at the end of this year’s crossover. Donna Smoak and Thea are both there for the festivities! The episode description found below the trailer, however, doesn’t mention any of those things. Go figure.
BLACK SIREN KIDNAPS LANCE— Quentin Lance (Paul Blackthorne) is kidnaped by Black Siren (Katie Cassidy) and Cayden James (guest star Michael Emerson), who are looking to trade Lance’s life for a weapon of mass destruction. Oliver (Stephen Amell) and Team Green Arrow must figure out a way to save Lance while still keeping the city safe. Laura Belsey directed the episode written by Beth Schwartz & Sarah Tarkoff (#609). Original airdate 12/7/2017.