Arrow: Images From The Set!
ImagesNews October 17, 2012 Craig Byrne

A new episode of Arrow airs in just a few hours on The CW (in the United States) and CTV2 (in Canada), and before we get to seeing that, we thought we’d show you some things that you might first see in tonight’s episode, which is titled “Honor Thy Father”… namely, some Arrow sets!
When a pilot episode is done, most of the sets are actual locations; when a show goes to series, it would be too costly to go on location all the time – though it does still happen – so several standing sets are created for the show. In the case of Arrow, we’ve got places like Walter Steele’s office, the warehouse with the famous salmon ladder… and the Queen mansion, which almost perfectly replicates the Hatley Castle in Victoria.
We visited the sets of Arrow a few weeks ago and snapped some photos, which we are now happy to share with you. Enjoy!
After you look, see some photos from tonight’s episode here…. and once you’ve seen the episode, come talk about it on our Arrow forum!
DISCLAIMER: Travel and hotel accommodations for our Vancouver press tour were provided by Warner Bros. Television.