Arrow Episode 2 “Honor Thy Father” Promo Trailer Screencaps Arrow Episode 2 “Honor Thy Father” Promo Trailer Screencaps
Screen captures from the trailer for the Arrow episode Honor Thy Father Arrow Episode 2 “Honor Thy Father” Promo Trailer Screencaps

What a premiere for Arrow, eh? Hopefully you’ll come by our Arrow forum and talk about it!

But now you probably want to know what’s next… thanks to Mr. Video, we already have screen captures from the promo trailer for the SECOND episode of Arrow, titled “Honor Thy Father.”

Look for it Wednesday night, October 17 on The CW. Most of the caps feature Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen and Kelly Hu as guest villain China White, but you can spot Paul Blackthorne and Katie Cassidy within as well.

(Please do not copy these images onto other sites; instead, just link to this page! Thanks!)

If you want to see the trailer itself, go here.


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Craig Byrne

Craig Byrne has been writing about TV on the internet since 1995. He is also the author of several published books, including Smallville: The Visual Guide and the show's Official Companions for Seasons 4-7.