Arrow Casts Komodo For Season Three
NewsSpoilers August 19, 2014 Craig Byrne

Another scoop today from EW.com… the role of Simon Lacroix, aka Komodo, has been cast for the second episode of Arrow Season 3, and he’ll be part of a larger storyline to come.
Matt Ward (Hellcats) will be playing the character.
“Yes, he’s the villain-of-the-week for the second week of the show, but you’ll see that Team Arrow’s pursuit of him is part and parcel of a season-long storyline,” Marc Guggenheim said to EW. “You’re going to know what happens to Komodo at the end of the episode, but it will be a little bit tied in better with the season-long mythology than villain-of-the-week episodes have done in the past.”
Komodo is a more recent addition to the comics lore, first appearing in Green Arrow #17 by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino.
You can read the article that broke this news here, and for more Season 3 spoilers, visit our Spoilers page!