Arrow 100: Amell & Mericle On The State Of “Olicity”
Arrow 100InterviewsNewsSpoilers October 26, 2016 Craig Byrne

Next week’s episode of Arrow, “Human Target,” is also said to be “The One Where Oliver Finds Out That Felicity And Detective Malone Are Dating.” Many are expecting that will mean Tyler Ritter’s character will get a sharp arrow to the knee for that… at the 100th episode “green carpet” for Arrow last weekend, we asked Executive Producer Wendy Mericle and actor Stephen Amell (Oliver) about how that breaks down, and if Malone should be scared of Oliver’s reaction.
“I think Oliver and Felicity have evolved to a place where they’re going to be okay about that, but I think Detective Malone is moving into some dangerous territory in other ways, so we’ll see what happens,” Mericle teased.
Stephen had something similar to say. “Detective Malone should not be afraid of Oliver. Detective Malone should be afraid of his connection to Felicity,” he said.
As for an “Olicity” reconciliation, Stephen told us “you’re either romantically involved or you’re not.”
“Oliver and Felicity, in my mind, are reconciled. Everything’s on the same page with them. Everything’s on the table. They’re just not together,” he said.
Arrow has a new episode “Penance” airing tonight. You can see some photos from the episode here. Keep an eye on GreenArrowTV for more interviews, including video, in the coming days and weeks!