2016 GreenArrowTV Awards: Pick The Best Fight Of Arrow Season 4!
GreenArrowTV Awards August 29, 2016 Craig Byrne

No, we didn’t forget about this year’s GreenArrowTV Awards – honoring the best and not-so-best of the recent Arrow season – it’s just that Comic-Con, the TCA press tour, a whole lot of Season 5 news, and other life things got in the way!
If Twitter or the GATV comments section are to be believed Season 4 was controversial, to say the least. Some people loved it. Some people didn’t. Here’s your chance, though, to recognize the things you did (or didn’t) like.
Some housekeeping notes about the Awards can be found HERE, to prevent any confusion.
The current category now is Best Fight for Arrow Season 4. Under the supervision of such talents as James Bamford, Arrow’s stunts are top-notch, and now with characters like Speedy and Black Canary in the mix for Season 4, there was a lot of variety to choose from. Hopefully, your favorite sequence is listed; if it’s not, leave a comment below.
If you’re really in a voting mood, the KryptonSite Awards for Supergirl have begun this year too! You can also still vote in past GATV Awards categories if you haven’t already.
This is the next-to-last category in the 2016 Awards — with the surely-competitive Favorite Pairing coming in a few days.
See last year’s results here – Arrow: The Complete Fourth Season arrives on Blu-ray this week!